Thursday, February 21, 2008


I'm homesick. Saying that feels a little dirty, like I'm admitting defeat in some way, but I can't help it. I miss my friends and I miss having them to talk to. I hate the fact that it's taking some time to meet people up here, and I hate not having my own friends to hang out with. I'm not used to not meeting people quickly and being brought into the fold. I know it's an East Coast thing - I can't count how many times I've told Stephen it takes time, but when it's the same for me it sucks even more. It makes me long for my friends even more. I just want to be invited out for a beer sometime, and I don't know when that's going to happen.

Ugh, writing this is even more depressing because it sounds like I'm not thankful for this great opportunity I've been blessed with. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Boston and I'm looking forward to everything it has to offer, but I wish I had friends up here to experience it with.

On the plus side, work has gotten ridiculously busy in the past week. I got put on 3 accounts - one of which is a brand new client that I pitched a few weeks ago - and I've been so busy that my head is spinning. It feels so much like Moroch now with the hectic schedule, and I'm just hoping that I can make an impact and difference on these accounts and to my team members like I did at Moroch. Also, one of my clients is doing regional PR in the Oklahoma and D/FW markets. I can't tell you how great it feels to pitch reporters from back home!

So that's all that's going on right now. Stephen's birthday is coming up in two weeks and I'm planning a birthday party for him; I've also got some great gift ideas for him and I can't wait to see his reaction when he opens his gifts! I'll post about it again after he's gotten his gifts.


  1. Your friends miss you too! At least this one does! I know how diffult it is to make new friends in a new city. Every time I make a new one they move away ;-) We can still have a beer together...over the phone. Hmm, if you had a Wii, we could play GH together.

  2. Awww let's go have a beer this week! I'm always around, like I said, I'm a giant dork :)

