Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Thrifty Bride

Before you get excited about the title and think I'm getting married, lemme stop you right there. I don't have anything to announce yet. BUT, when the time comes, I've got to admit I'm super stoked about this post.

As I caught up on my Women's Wear Daily over the weekend it really struck me that EVERYONE is on the wedding bandwagon. This is good news for brides-to-be though because it means that there are good deals to be had. But the REALLY good news came in reading about ready-to-wear gowns. 
It turns out that one of my favorite designers, Marchesa, has announced that they are planning to offer a high-low bridal combo, and will be launching a more affordable collection of gowns through a deal with Priscilla of Boston

Without even having to think about it for reals (yet), I appreciate the options that brides have now a days, especially when it comes to wearing a dress that you're only going to wear once Kudos to designers for making their designs more readily available to brides on a budget, and helping to make a bride feel even more special on her day.



  1. Do you read A Practical Wedding? It's more than just wedding planning. I read it as a pre-engaged and still read it as an almost-no-longer-newly-wed. And will probably continue to read it for a long time as I love the discussions about Reclaiming Wife.

  2. I don't read a practical wedding, so thanks for the heads up on the new read!
